At Long Last

At Long Last

As many of you may or may not know, I’ve been tinkering around with the design of this site for a while. I just never quite found the one that “works.” Now, seemingly, I have. I’m proud to be releasing this effort along with the long-delayed “public” offering of my services to those in need.

What Took So Long?

Simply put, I’ve been only doing this in my spare time and at a very casual rate. Without any deadlines looming and no one breathing down my neck, I simply let it slide. Aside from being so unbelievably busy during my long days at the grindstone, I found myself kicking back during any quiet time rather than jumping back behind my computer and doing something productive.

Over the past couple of months, I found myself busier with freelance work and decided it was time to get my own site done so potential clients, friends, colleagues, animals, and stalkers would have some way to contact me or to look at my work. I’ve spent so much time working on projects for others that I neglected the most important marketing tool I encourage every business to have. While this site isn’t yet everything I hope that it will be, the bulk of the work is done and will be a great showcase.

Finally …

I appreciate all the positive feedback I’ve received about getting out there and getting involved in freelancing. I am readily available and keep spreading the word! Please, take a few minutes to click around. I will be posting as much from my portfolio as possible as well as adding information and samples from my current projects.
